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A space to really delve into some of the complexities of the French and Spanish language. Blogs may consist of distinctions between the uses of different grammar constructions or subtle differences in vocabulary.

Virelangue - Lettre S
This tongue-twister is to practise your 's' pronounciation. See how quickly you can say it!
1 min read

Esperanto Today
Characteristics of Esperanto and why we should learn it.
2 min read

History of Esperanto
Many argue that a language barrier creates a greater divide than a physical border.Â
Among these believers was L.L. Zamenhof.
3 min read

Commonly used Verlan
For a non-native speaker, verlan can be quite tricky to understand. Therefore, I have compiled a list of some of the most common verlan.
1 min read

Useful Expressions in Spoken Spanish Pt2
As I explained in part 1 of this topic, many people struggle with colloquial Spanish because it is not taught in depth at school and...
1 min read

Useful Expressions in Spoken Spanish
Do you ever find that you know how to talk about different themes in Spanish but that what you actually struggle with colloquial language?
1 min read

The History of Verlan
What is verlan?
Verlan is a form of slang used most frequently by French youths which consists of reversing the syllables of a word.
1 min read

Le Vouvoiement et le Tutoiement - Qu'en pensez-vous?
Que pensez-vous de cette règle de politesse française? Trouvez-vous cette règle démodée ou toujours d’actualité?
2 min read

Feminisation of French Occupations
Like inclusive writing, the feminisation of occupations is attempt to promote equality in the french language.Â
2 min read

Inclusive Writing in FranceÂ
Inclusive writing has become the object of a political debate for several years now in France.
2 min read

French Sign Language
It seems that sign language is often under-appreciated as a form of communication and therefore, I wish to shed some light on it.
1 min read

Virelangues... le son 'ch'
Have a go at some of these tongue-twisters to help you practise the ‘ch’ sound!!
1 min read

A Sign of the Times
It seems that at this time of social isolation, the bird song sounds much louder than it used to.
3 min read

Francophone Expressions
While we all know that there are many french-speaking countries, people tend to forget that they do vary in numerous ways.
3 min read

Francophonie - what is it?
'Francophonie' is a term used to describe countries or regions where there are french-speakers. The term was created by the geographer...
1 min read
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